How to Convert PNG to JPG ▶0:53
Photoshop Design and Photo editing Tutorials from HowTech ▶0:44
How to Convert TIFF to JPG using Paint ▶11:34
写真のファイルサイズを小さくする方法です。PNGとJPEGの違いについても解説しています。写真をメールで送る場合、大きいサイズのままの写真は相手に迷惑になります。知っていて損はない操作方法です。 ▶4:00
写真のファイルサイズを小さくする方法です。PNGとJPEGの違いについても解説しています。写真をメールで送る場合、大きいサイズのままの写真は相手に迷惑になります。知っていて損はない操作方法です。 ▶6:30
How to Convert Video Into JPG Images ▶1:25
DIGITIZE And Create EMBROIDERY Files - Easily AND For FREE - Tutorial .PES .JPG Etc. ▶2:01
DIGITIZE And Create EMBROIDERY Files - Easily AND For FREE - Tutorial .PES .JPG Etc. ▶1:34
How To Convert A Photo To JPEG Format ▶7:19
Batch Convert RAW Files to JPEG in Adobe Photoshop ▶1:23
How to Convert Images to JPEG format ▶38:45
How to reduce picture file size (jpg) ▶1:20
How to Convert PSD to JPG in Photoshop CS5 ▶4:50
Photoshop Design and Photo editing Tutorials from HowTech ▶19:59
【前編】Canon EOS RとNikon Z6を徹底比較【待ってました!】 ▶1:34
【前編】Canon EOS RとNikon Z6を徹底比較【待ってました!】 ▶1:29
How to Convert JPEG to TIFF ▶10:53
Photoshop Design and Photo editing Tutorials from HowTech ▶3:35
How to convert multiple jpg to one pdf ▶5:47
13年前の中判デジと現行フルサイズ機を比較する。ポートレート編 / 趣味で使う!中判デジタルのススメ*10 ▶0:43
13年前の中判デジと現行フルサイズ機を比較する。ポートレート編 / 趣味で使う!中判デジタルのススメ*10 ▶8:24
How to reduce image file size with paint ▶4:03
How to Open JPG on Android : Social Media & Tech Questions ▶2:24
【Minecraft】閲覧注意!帰ったら家が血まみれになってた!?【TheBloodman前編】 ▶1:57
【Minecraft】閲覧注意!帰ったら家が血まみれになってた!?【TheBloodman前編】 ▶6:19
Wilcom DecoStudio e2: Convert JPG to EMB (embroidery) ▶7:15
Wilcom DecoStudio e2: Convert JPG to EMB (embroidery) ▶24:42
How to edit text from JPEG file. ▶1:15
MDC1-66PL-300电连接器如何选择MDC1-37SW1电连接器仑航电子 ▶2:34
MDC1-66PL-300电连接器如何选择MDC1-37SW1电连接器仑航电子 ▶0:42
What is the Difference Between a JPG GIF TIFF PNG and EPS ▶8:02
The Penn Relays 4-30-2022 H.S Boys' Barringer H.S., Nwk-NJ 4x400 Relay ▶0:19
The Penn Relays 4-30-2022 H.S Boys' Barringer H.S., Nwk-NJ 4x400 Relay ▶7:48
How to convert a JPEG to Word document ▶7:52
Android: How to send or share a reduced file size jpg photo with Android Phone ▶0:46
Android: How to send or share a reduced file size jpg photo with Android Phone ▶18:29
Validator ▶0:44
Adding Text to a JPEG or JPG Background in Word ▶0:43
【画像サイズと解像度って!?】いまさら聞けない、画像の大きさとは!dpiって何?ピクセルって何?RGBって何!?知らないでデザインしていたらヤバイヨ~! ▶0:26
【画像サイズと解像度って!?】いまさら聞けない、画像の大きさとは!dpiって何?ピクセルって何?RGBって何!?知らないでデザインしていたらヤバイヨ~! ▶2:34
Jak zapisac w gimpie w jpg/png ▶21:23
Hotdog.jpg ▶14:54
写真の保存はパソコンから「おもいでばこ」へ ▶19:12
バッファロー リアルデジタルライフ [BUFFALO] ▶23:00
【Windows11】HEIC画像ファイルをJPGに変換!一括で変更もできるよ ▶12:17
【Windows11】HEIC画像ファイルをJPGに変換!一括で変更もできるよ ▶0:42
TikTok · RG Stone ▶35:46
JPEG凭什么称霸互联网 30 多年?你大爷永远是你大爷!Why has JPEG dominated the Internet for more than 30 years?【柴知道】 ▶47:06
JPEG凭什么称霸互联网 30 多年?你大爷永远是你大爷!Why has JPEG dominated the Internet for more than 30 years?【柴知道】 ▶10:13
我要RushB玩家篇23:保个枪而已你们至于吗 ▶0:43
JPG到ZIP 转换器在线。快速、安全、免费! ▶0:44
Errores Del Maquillaje Que No Debes Cometer y Como Corregirlos! ▶0:42
Errores Del Maquillaje Que No Debes Cometer y Como Corregirlos! ▶0:44
Photo Recovery Tool SecureRecovery® - Try Free Online ▶8:30
Photo Recovery Tool SecureRecovery® - Try Free Online ▶14:41
MDC1-74SL5电连接器如何选择MDC1-51SL5电连接器仑航电子 ▶0:19
MDC1-21SL5电连接器如何选择MDC1-9SW1电连接器仑航电子 ▶0:45
Kliknij tutaj→→→♩☟ @love_nikola_fani @kornelia9120 @lov..genzie8 @leszek652 @heartsvemilkaaa @user7009815514053 @lauraaa.858 @paulisiaaaaaaaaa @armia_minia337 @kanion0211 @actress229 @karolinabandarek @e0090640it5 @.leexuwq @123_smoki_123 @kubanockaelo @martagajowniczek0 @_melcia_and_b00ks_ @stars.jvlki @karolina.ryba0 @alicjazkrainyczarow068 @merylolzz_ @slawka45 @nataal_iaqa @marcinwiertel @fpp_fluffy._the_.furry @a.l.c.j.a._ @premko19 ▶14:01
Kliknij tutaj→→→♩☟ @love_nikola_fani @kornelia9120 @lov..genzie8 @leszek652 @heartsvemilkaaa @user7009815514053 @lauraaa.858 @paulisiaaaaaaaaa @armia_minia337 @kanion0211 @actress229 @karolinabandarek @e0090640it5 @.leexuwq @123_smoki_123 @kubanockaelo @martagajowniczek0 @_melcia_and_b00ks_ @stars.jvlki @karolina.ryba0 @alicjazkrainyczarow068 @merylolzz_ @slawka45 @nataal_iaqa @marcinwiertel @fpp_fluffy._the_.furry @a.l.c.j.a._ @premko19 ▶0:06
新ゆあんくんがぶっ壊れな件【脱獄ごっこPRO】 ▶0:27
販売台数〇〇台…ヤバすぎる新型発表で購入者大号泣…とんでもない性能になったスズキ本気の1台【ゆっくり解説】 ▶17:12
販売台数〇〇台…ヤバすぎる新型発表で購入者大号泣…とんでもない性能になったスズキ本気の1台【ゆっくり解説】 ▶3:05:11
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【とうとう出たね。。。】2024 BBM ICONS 開封!【ルーキーの直筆サイン初封入】【野球カード開封】 ▶0:36
【とうとう出たね。。。】2024 BBM ICONS 開封!【ルーキーの直筆サイン初封入】【野球カード開封】 ▶11:48
三菱重工が「新型護衛艦」を開発!圧倒的な性能と重武装に世界が注目【ゆうべつ】【海外の反応】 ▶9:07
三菱重工が「新型護衛艦」を開発!圧倒的な性能と重武装に世界が注目【ゆうべつ】【海外の反応】 ▶8:30
日産完全崩壊ww巨額負債の日産がとんでもないことをやらかす…日産とホンダのEV協業の本当の目的をご存知ですか?【ゆっくり解説】 ▶1:30
日産完全崩壊ww巨額負債の日産がとんでもないことをやらかす…日産とホンダのEV協業の本当の目的をご存知ですか?【ゆっくり解説】 ▶14:19
ゆっくりモータリング【クルマ系・ゆっくり解説】 ▶9:31
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【衝撃】進化しすぎ!トヨタが開発した「次世代エンジン」に世界が震えた!【第5世代THS】【2023年に40兆円】 ▶0:58
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写真の保存はパソコンから「おもいでばこ」へ ▶1:22
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MDC1-51SW1电连接器如何选择MDC1-37PL-300电连接器仑航电子 ▶2:55
MDC1-51SW1电连接器如何选择MDC1-37PL-300电连接器仑航电子 ▶9:38
ルート選択に失敗し40年間低迷している路線 ▶0:05
The Final Panel - Ultimate Custom Desk Build ▶2:36:52
Callam Dent on Instagram: "Filmmakers, try this technique to get drone shots without a drone! &*x1f681; My DJI Mavic has been collecting dust for months because there’s just not enough room in my kit for it these days. Faking a drone shot like this a great way of getting the establishing shot you might have missed and it means you can get the perfect weather/movement and framing! When you export you’ll need to export from google studio using a jpeg sequence and then add it to your editing softwa ▶2:34
Callam Dent on Instagram: "Filmmakers, try this technique to get drone shots without a drone! &*x1f681; My DJI Mavic has been collecting dust for months because there’s just not enough room in my kit for it these days. Faking a drone shot like this a great way of getting the establishing shot you might have missed and it means you can get the perfect weather/movement and framing! When you export you’ll need to export from google studio using a jpeg sequence and then add it to your editing softwa ▶19:24
Abhimanyu Bhardwaj on Instagram: "OMG 🔥 How to convert JPG to excel best Excel tips and tricks *pc *excel *computer *course *reels *viral *video *jpeg" ▶59:22
Abhimanyu Bhardwaj on Instagram: "OMG 🔥 How to convert JPG to excel best Excel tips and tricks *pc *excel *computer *course *reels *viral *video *jpeg" ▶0:27
おっぺけぺー【1/2】 ▶0:13
Som ET on Instagram‎: "Som ET - 58 - Mars - Curiosity Sol 65 This image was taken by MAHLI onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 65 (2012-10-12). NASA Image: Audio: Som ET - 58 - Mars Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS *nasa *mars *curiosity *perseverance *marte *марс *मंगलग्रह *মঙ্গল *المريخ *ดาวอังคาร *مریخ *火星"‎ ▶44:20
Som ET on Instagram‎: "Som ET - 58 - Mars - Curiosity Sol 65 This image was taken by MAHLI onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 65 (2012-10-12). NASA Image: Audio: Som ET - 58 - Mars Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS *nasa *mars *curiosity *perseverance *marte *марс *मंगलग्रह *মঙ্গল *المريخ *ดาวอังคาร *مریخ *火星"‎ ▶0:28
Sidhu Moosewala (ਮੂਸੇ ਆਲਾ) on Instagram: "410 BTOWN GADDI HAULI HAULI JAVE *SidhuanDiTeam “410” OUT NOW on all platforms Visuals 🎥 @savvsingh @_preetchahal_ @jyothitatter Music 🎶 @offgridprod Artwork 🖼️ @sickk.jpeg Digital Promotions : @deepgrewal.official @goldmediaa" ▶8:47
Sidhu Moosewala (ਮੂਸੇ ਆਲਾ) on Instagram: "410 BTOWN GADDI HAULI HAULI JAVE *SidhuanDiTeam “410” OUT NOW on all platforms Visuals 🎥 @savvsingh @_preetchahal_ @jyothitatter Music 🎶 @offgridprod Artwork 🖼️ @sickk.jpeg Digital Promotions : @deepgrewal.official @goldmediaa" ▶0:46
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‘Her’ AI, Almost Here? Llama 3, Vasa-1, and Altman ‘Plugging Into Everything You Want To Do’ ▶3:00
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Janani AI Ke Kahani | 4 May 2024 | क्या तारा की जान बच पाएगी? | Promo | Dangal TV ▶17:46
Janani AI Ke Kahani | 4 May 2024 | क्या तारा की जान बच पाएगी? | Promo | Dangal TV ▶24:03
Lianne Aratea on Instagram: "only posting this one bc i GOT THE FOOTWORK DOWN IN THIS VIDEO AND IN THE OTHERS I DIDNT 👹👹👹 thank you again April for teaching!!!! 🎵: Magnetic - ILLIT (last chorus) 🏠: @haappydaance 💃🏽: @hashtagapril 🏷️: *illit *magnetic *illit_magnetic *magnetic_illit *kpop *kpopdance *kpopdanceclass *sandiegokpop *sandiego *kpopclass *sandiegodance *kpopdanceteacher" ▶
Lianne Aratea on Instagram: "only posting this one bc i GOT THE FOOTWORK DOWN IN THIS VIDEO AND IN THE OTHERS I DIDNT 👹👹👹 thank you again April for teaching!!!! 🎵: Magnetic - ILLIT (last chorus) 🏠: @haappydaance 💃🏽: @hashtagapril 🏷️: *illit *magnetic *illit_magnetic *magnetic_illit *kpop *kpopdance *kpopdanceclass *sandiegokpop *sandiego *kpopclass *sandiegodance *kpopdanceteacher" ▶
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【衝撃】耐用年数1000年!中国製の「巨大ダム」がとんでもない事態に…【三峡ダム】【3兆円】 ▶
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這個螢幕改變了一切..📚 Kobo Libra Colour 彩色電子書 📕📗📘 (內有$250送你) ▶
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VIXEN on Instagram: "“HOTEL VIXEN SEASON 2 BEGINS NOW! 🍾 Mark your calendars, we’re kicking off another 12-part crossover of @thesuperjul’s series on VIXEN @blackedxofficial @tushy! Get a sneak peek of what’s to come... . . . . . @givebrandilove @agathavegaofcc @apoloniaofficial @ashbywintereal @christy.white__ *ClaireRoos @imevesweet @jialissaonly @kellycollin_ @lilyblossom_official_ @loveiskinny @lialinxo @lumi_ray @sia_siberia.jpeg @stefany_kyler @real_vaneska.alesia @albertito.b @christianc ▶
VIXEN on Instagram: "“HOTEL VIXEN SEASON 2 BEGINS NOW! 🍾 Mark your calendars, we’re kicking off another 12-part crossover of @thesuperjul’s series on VIXEN @blackedxofficial @tushy! Get a sneak peek of what’s to come... . . . . . @givebrandilove @agathavegaofcc @apoloniaofficial @ashbywintereal @christy.white__ *ClaireRoos @imevesweet @jialissaonly @kellycollin_ @lilyblossom_official_ @loveiskinny @lialinxo @lumi_ray @sia_siberia.jpeg @stefany_kyler @real_vaneska.alesia @albertito.b @christianc ▶
【兩倍椅距】東日本綠色車廂之王!直接給你經濟艙兩倍的超大椅距!日本海縱貫特急 稻穗號 酒田-新潟 搭乘記錄 | 20230103 ▶
【兩倍椅距】東日本綠色車廂之王!直接給你經濟艙兩倍的超大椅距!日本海縱貫特急 稻穗號 酒田-新潟 搭乘記錄 | 20230103 ▶
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‎subhi صبحي‎ on Instagram: "Eyes on the West Bank—full video breakdown on my page. *palestine" ▶
‎subhi صبحي‎ on Instagram: "Eyes on the West Bank—full video breakdown on my page. *palestine" ▶
Mansi Chavan on Instagram: "50-50% equity distribution!👫 @vineetasng @riteshagar @sharktank.india @ravish_shetty_ @theyashhegde . . . *sharktank *sharktankindia *couple *relationships *relationshipgoals *couplegoals" ▶
Mansi Chavan on Instagram: "50-50% equity distribution!👫 @vineetasng @riteshagar @sharktank.india @ravish_shetty_ @theyashhegde . . . *sharktank *sharktankindia *couple *relationships *relationshipgoals *couplegoals" ▶
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‎Haris A // حارث اے‎ on Instagram: "Cats 🐱 are back with Respiratory Acidosis! . . . . . 🔖(doctor, dentist, nursing, medschool, hospital, medic, medicine) *medstudent *medschoollife *medico *medic *medicine *hospital *doctor *nurse *nursing *dentist *dentistry *MD *usmle *neet *reels *instagram *trending *medical *medicos *medicalstudent *medicalschool *nursinglife *nursingschool *dentalschool" ▶
‎Haris A // حارث اے‎ on Instagram: "Cats 🐱 are back with Respiratory Acidosis! . . . . . 🔖(doctor, dentist, nursing, medschool, hospital, medic, medicine) *medstudent *medschoollife *medico *medic *medicine *hospital *doctor *nurse *nursing *dentist *dentistry *MD *usmle *neet *reels *instagram *trending *medical *medicos *medicalstudent *medicalschool *nursinglife *nursingschool *dentalschool" ▶
Javlon❤️‍🔥 | Editor📱 on Instagram: "Цветакарекция 🎨" ▶
甲斐犬🦮華麿 on Instagram: "趣味、怒られる 特技、謝る *末っ子長男*甲斐犬*犬*わんこ*いぬすたぐらむ*いぬのいる暮らし*いぬバカ部*日本犬*赤虎毛 *kaiken*kaidog*dog*japan*japanesedog*instadog" ▶
甲斐犬🦮華麿 on Instagram: "趣味、怒られる 特技、謝る *末っ子長男*甲斐犬*犬*わんこ*いぬすたぐらむ*いぬのいる暮らし*いぬバカ部*日本犬*赤虎毛 *kaiken*kaidog*dog*japan*japanesedog*instadog" ▶
백팩커 재구언 on Instagram: "실사판 카트라이더 가능한 곳🔻캡션참조🔻 제주도 9.81 파크는 무동력으로 최대 40km/h 속도로 질주하는 레이싱 테마파크인데요. 한라산 아래에서 애월 바다를 바라보며 빠르게 질주해 루지보다 더 재미있는 경험을 할 수 있어서 추천해요! 총 3가지 코스로 준비되어 있고, NFC 칩이 내장된 팔찌로 탑승 영상과 경주 기록까지 확인할 수 있어서 매번 탈 때마다 새로운 경주를 즐길 수 있어요. 💰이용 요금 1인승 레이싱 3회 42,500원 매 시즌마다 다양한 이벤트와 레이싱 기록에 따른 혜택도 주어지니 속도에 자신 있다면 1등을 노려보자구요! 🚌제주공항↔️9.81파크 무료 셔틀버스 운행 중 🍯2026년에는 인천 영종도에도 생길 예정이래요! 🍯더 많은 테마파크 꿀팁은 @jae9un.jpg 🎵 카트라이더 (구) 상점 음악 📌9.81파크 제주 🏷️테마파크, 레이싱 테마파크 📍제주 제주시 애월읍 천덕로 880-24 *981파크 *제주도98 ▶
백팩커 재구언 on Instagram: "실사판 카트라이더 가능한 곳🔻캡션참조🔻 제주도 9.81 파크는 무동력으로 최대 40km/h 속도로 질주하는 레이싱 테마파크인데요. 한라산 아래에서 애월 바다를 바라보며 빠르게 질주해 루지보다 더 재미있는 경험을 할 수 있어서 추천해요! 총 3가지 코스로 준비되어 있고, NFC 칩이 내장된 팔찌로 탑승 영상과 경주 기록까지 확인할 수 있어서 매번 탈 때마다 새로운 경주를 즐길 수 있어요. 💰이용 요금 1인승 레이싱 3회 42,500원 매 시즌마다 다양한 이벤트와 레이싱 기록에 따른 혜택도 주어지니 속도에 자신 있다면 1등을 노려보자구요! 🚌제주공항↔️9.81파크 무료 셔틀버스 운행 중 🍯2026년에는 인천 영종도에도 생길 예정이래요! 🍯더 많은 테마파크 꿀팁은 @jae9un.jpg 🎵 카트라이더 (구) 상점 음악 📌9.81파크 제주 🏷️테마파크, 레이싱 테마파크 📍제주 제주시 애월읍 천덕로 880-24 *981파크 *제주도98 ▶
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FIRST LOOK At The All-New 800hp 2024 Shelby Super Snake! ▶
[KPOP IN PUBLIC BRAZIL] RIIZE 라이즈 'Get A Guitar' | Dance cover by UNnamed ▶
[KPOP IN PUBLIC BRAZIL] RIIZE 라이즈 'Get A Guitar' | Dance cover by UNnamed ▶
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ᴀɴɪꜱᴛᴏɴ.ᴊᴘɢ on Instagram: "so i made a horror movie trailer of Friends 🙃 the first one i made (last year) is not on my insta yet, but i’m considering posting it soon! • • • *friends*friendstvshow*horrormovie*horror*trailer*sitcom*jenniferaniston*courteneycox*davidschwimmer*lisakudrow*matthewperry*mattleblanc*friendsreunion*horrorfan*memes" ▶
ᴀɴɪꜱᴛᴏɴ.ᴊᴘɢ on Instagram: "so i made a horror movie trailer of Friends 🙃 the first one i made (last year) is not on my insta yet, but i’m considering posting it soon! • • • *friends*friendstvshow*horrormovie*horror*trailer*sitcom*jenniferaniston*courteneycox*davidschwimmer*lisakudrow*matthewperry*mattleblanc*friendsreunion*horrorfan*memes" ▶
|𝐁𝐇𝐀𝐖𝐍𝐀𝐀| on Instagram: "Tried our best🤦‍♀️ @_jackson.jpeg_" ▶
パレスチナに自由を on Instagram: ". . via @sbeih.jpg 警察による暴力の対処法や抗議者の安全を確保する方法について日本語で読みたい方はぜひ @acab_japanese をフォローして下さい。 Original caption & 和訳: Long live the student intifada. 🔻🇵🇸 *palestine *gaza 学生インティファーダが長続きしますように。🔻🇵🇸" ▶
パレスチナに自由を on Instagram: ". . via @sbeih.jpg 警察による暴力の対処法や抗議者の安全を確保する方法について日本語で読みたい方はぜひ @acab_japanese をフォローして下さい。 Original caption & 和訳: Long live the student intifada. 🔻🇵🇸 *palestine *gaza 学生インティファーダが長続きしますように。🔻🇵🇸" ▶
Missy Macuja Elizalde 📸 on Instagram: "It’s hard not to feel rushed on my BJJ journey sometimes when white belt me had such high expectations. But my 2019 self didn’t take into account law school, injuries, moving several times (including across the US from Boston to LA), and of course.. a global pandemic. I keep showing up, and blue belt me is content with my progress, sure, but motivated to keep going. 💜 *bjjgirl *girlsofjiujitsu *bjjwomen *womenofbjj *womenofjiujitsu *girlsofmartialarts *bj ▶
Missy Macuja Elizalde 📸 on Instagram: "It’s hard not to feel rushed on my BJJ journey sometimes when white belt me had such high expectations. But my 2019 self didn’t take into account law school, injuries, moving several times (including across the US from Boston to LA), and of course.. a global pandemic. I keep showing up, and blue belt me is content with my progress, sure, but motivated to keep going. 💜 *bjjgirl *girlsofjiujitsu *bjjwomen *womenofbjj *womenofjiujitsu *girlsofmartialarts *bj ▶
ぷにぷに ゲートイベントぷに神ケガレ最終章後半待ち時間長い ▶
ぷにぷに ゲートイベントぷに神ケガレ最終章後半待ち時間長い ▶
能讓當地人都頭痛的三寶,肯定有兩把刷子 ▶
Valkyrae Made Me Nervous... ▶
a deep dive into the marauders fandom ▶
地板字這麼大了還繼續往前開,只能讓你繳學費了(檢舉成功) ▶
地板字這麼大了還繼續往前開,只能讓你繳學費了(檢舉成功) ▶
Lucian Manthey Photography on Instagram: "2024 Total Solar Eclipse just now! Unedited JPEG sent to my phone using my cameras wireless transfer. Canon 6D Mark II Sigma 150-600 C *solareclipse *eclipse *eclipse2024 *april8 *totaleclipse *natgeoyourshot *yourshotphotographer *natgeophotochallenge" ▶
Lucian Manthey Photography on Instagram: "2024 Total Solar Eclipse just now! Unedited JPEG sent to my phone using my cameras wireless transfer. Canon 6D Mark II Sigma 150-600 C *solareclipse *eclipse *eclipse2024 *april8 *totaleclipse *natgeoyourshot *yourshotphotographer *natgeophotochallenge" ▶
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🌏국적을 3개씩이나 보유한 축구선수들⚽ ▶
K a m a i t a c h i - Sr. Sono ▶
Arches like I had never seen it ▶
【衝撃】日本の本気!最強の基地が着工たった1年で建設された!?中国がビビる馬毛島【ゆっくり解説】※修正点19:01 沖縄の人口146万人、1:36 16.5k㎡は16.5km ▶
【衝撃】日本の本気!最強の基地が着工たった1年で建設された!?中国がビビる馬毛島【ゆっくり解説】※修正点19:01 沖縄の人口146万人、1:36 16.5k㎡は16.5km ▶
SHREDDING the All Stars 9 Cast with Gottmik ▶
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